
All the clues from EastEnders’ Christmas flash-forward death mystery

We’ve had the phrase ‘He’s dead!’ ringing in ours ears for months now, following the epic flash forward episode that gave us a sneak peek ahead at Christmas in EastEnders.

If you’re reading this wondering what on earth we are on about then do sit down and grab a cuppa, because that instalment of the BBC One soap requires a lot of explanation.

Linda Carter (Kellie Bright) had called last orders at the Vic, as Denise Fox (Diane Parish), Kathy Beale (Gillian Taylforth), Stacey Slater (Lacey Turner), Sharon Watts (Letitia Dean) and Suki Panesar (Balvinder Sopal) all enjoyed a drink with their loved ones.

It proved to be an eventful night for the characters in question as Sharon had sex with Keanu Taylor (Danny Walters) in the Vic toilets, only to be left disappointed by finding out about his history with Sam Mitchell (Kim Medcalf), while Denise hit the bottle, before making a move on Ravi Gulati (Aaron Thiara), who knocked her back.

As trouble continued for Suki and Nish Panesar (Navin Chowdhry) and Linda struggled with the fact Shirley Carter (Linda Henry) had been spending time with Dean Wicks (Matt Di Angelo), the evening proved emotional for a number of the Walford stalwarts, so Linda agreed to shut the doors to the boozer and a lock-in commenced, with the six women putting the world to rights, before making a toast to all the men who’ve wronged them over the years.

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It was at this point the BBC One soap flashed forward, taking viewers 10 months into the future, as Linda walked into the Vic on Christmas Day 2023 to discover a dead body on the floor.

Following comments from Executive Producer Chris Clenshaw’s that saw him confirm a number of clues had been dropped throughout the entire episode to help tease what’s ahead, we’ve gone back and watched the scenes again, and again… and again.

We’re dedicated.

So, as we dust off our deerstalker hats, enjoy as we bring you all the clues you may have missed from EastEnders’ flash-forward death episode – and beyond.


Of course, the biggest hint from the closing scene was Sharon checking the dead person’s pulse via their wrist, so we were able to see them wearing a specific brand of cufflink.

In a cheeky tweet, EastEnders revealed that they had four pairs of cufflinks in the costume department.

Will we be left with four potential victims to choose from?

When Chris Clenshaw told us to look out for cufflinks at Kathy and Rocky’s wedding, we freaked out a bit.

As the episode aired, we were shocked to see the cursed jewellery pass from Nish to Rocky Cotton (Brian Conley) as they played poker, then over to Jack Branning (Scott Maslen).

Jack kept hold of the cufflinks for several weeks, until they found a new owner in Phil Mitchell (Steve McFadden), who was gifted them on his wedding day. When Jack handed them over, he made reference to the fact that they belonged to Nish, so could they be set to return to their original owner?

It was Sharon who helped Phil to put the cufflinks on, which left us wondering if this was foreshadowing. Could Sharon be the one to kill Phil?

It seems that EastEnders may have narrowed down the potential victims from literally any man on the Square to just nine potential suspects, after a stunt at the National Television Awards that had fans completely freaking out.

With all the stars dressed up to the nines for the event, it was the perfect opportunity for them to wear a nice pair of cufflinks… And nine stars ended up wearing the dreaded Christmas day cufflinks, and made no bones about showing them off!

Steve McFadden wearing the EastEnders cufflinks at the NTAs
Could Phil be the murder victim? (Picture: Instagram / EastEnders)

Going by the stars featured on EastEnders’ Instagram story from the event, then Ian Beale, Phil Mitchell, Alfie Moon, Martin Fowler, Jack Branning and Keanu Taylor are all in the firing line, after Adam Woodyatt, Steve McFadden, Shane Richie, James Bye, Scott Maslen and Danny Walters were all pictured wearing the dreaded accessory.

Following the night, which saw EastEnders pick up three awards, fans scoured social media for pictures that may show any other cast members wearing the cufflinks, and soon three more had come to our attention.

Adam Woodyatt wearing cufflinks at the NTAs for EastEnders
Adam Woodyatt was spotted wearing the cufflinks (Picture: Instagram / EastEnders)

Theo Hawthorne actor William Ellis was spotted with them on the red carpet, while Navin Chowdhry’s, who plays Nish Panesar, came into view as he took a photo after EastEnders’ final win.

Ravi Gulati actor Aaron Thiara creatively wore his on a necklace around his neck, making them completely unmissable.

Could one of these nine characters be dead by Christmas, or will it be somebody else in an unexpected twist?

Producer Chris Clenshaw exclusively revealed to Metro.co.uk that the list of potential bodies may soon be narrowed down, meaning that viewers will have a better idea of who they can expect to see dead on Christmas day.

‘As we build to Christmas, all the pieces will fall into place for what I think is going to be one of our biggest Christmases,’ Chris revealed.

‘What will become apparent is who the potential bodies are. At the moment, I think it could almost be any man in Walford, but as we head toward Christmas it will become clearer who the final line up of men it could be. There’s lots of twists and turns.

‘I do think you’ll be guessing right up until the very end.’

Colour us intrigued…

Sharon’s wedding dress

Sharon’s relationship with Keanu has tumultuous to say the least, with the pair being off and on again like a light switch over the past nine months.

Despite this, Sharon recently accepted another proposal from Keanu, following the traumatic ordeal of Albie’s kidnap.

While they have not yet set in stone when their wedding will be, Bernie Taylor’s (Clair Norris) suggestion of a Christmas wedding left us rubbing our hands together in glee.

Around the same time, Karen Taylor (Lorraine Stanley) once again made her disapproval of the pair clear, making a comment about what the state of their relationship would be in six weeks time. It is important to note that when she said this, Christmas day was six weeks away, leaving us to wonder if maybe we should be asking the same question, especially given what we now know about Albie’s paternity…

With nothing set in stone, we can’t help but wonder if Sharon may be set to have a shotgun wedding, all organised at the very last minute. ‘What makes you think that?’ we hear you cry. Well, the dress Sharon is wearing doesn’t actually belong to her, but to Kathy Beale.

Eve looks at a wedding dress in the Slater household in EastEnders
It’s the same dress! (Picture: BBC)

In the episode broadcast after the flashforward, Eve (Heather Peace) told Stacey that she had some parcels waiting for her at home.

When they opened them, Stacey realised her nan had sent a load of ‘bent bridal gear’. When Eve picked up one of the dresses, fans couldn’t help but notice that it looked incredibly like the one Sharon was wearing.

When Alfie decided to host a sale to rake in some cash for the Slaters, Sharon herself admired the dress in a mirror.

However, it was later snapped up by Kathy, who mentioned that it would need alterations as it didn’t quite fit.

So how does Sharon end up with the dress?

Gillian Taylforth revealed that even the cast don’t know the answer to that one yet.

‘I just got told to choose from these other three wedding dresses. So I don’t know the reason why I give it to her. All will be revealed…

‘Because I haven’t shot that yet, so I don’t even know myself! I just know that she has one and I have another one.

‘I remember having it hanging up and I’ve got this other one and Bobby goes “Oh no, nan, that’s the one you should wear.” So, I don’t wear that. But how Sharon gets it, you’ll find out before me probably!’

We can’t see Sharon as being the type of person to wear a second hand dress unless she really doesn’t have the time to buy a new one. Something to think about, perhaps?


And of course, the main question on everyone’s lips is whether the wedding will go ahead at all, given that both Keanu and Sharon are hiding huge secrets.

Recent scenes at Phil’s wedding to Kat Slater (Jessie Wallace) saw Sharon catch the bride’s bouquet, suggesting that she will indeed be getting married this Christmas.

However, it is important to note how quickly Sharon threw the bouquet away, claiming that she wouldn’t be getting married any time soon. Is this a sign of things to come?

The blood on her dress

The colour contrast of the blood on Sharon’s white dress was always going to stand out and grab our attention, but was that deliberate?

Has Sharon committed murder, or is there blood on her dress because she was involved in some sort of showdown and tried to defend one of her pals?

We couldn’t help but notice the position of the blood stain on her dress, and we’re convinced it looks as though she has been cradling someone with a head injury in her lap. Could the victim be one of Sharon’s loved ones?

The wedding reception

If Sharon does end up being the bride, we can only assume that her wedding reception is due to take place in the Queen Vic, given the buffet in the background.

This may hint towards a potential victim, as some fans have theorised.

Viewers may remember that during the flash forward episode, Linda was rocked by a picture of Dean in the background of a social media post, proving that he was with Shirley Carter.

Kathy sees a picture on an upset Linda's phone in the pub in EastEnders
Linda was rocked by a picture of Dean (Picture: BBC/Jack Barnes/Kieron McCarron)

In 2014, Dean left Linda traumatised after raping her in the Queen Vic during Sharon’s wedding reception.

Could Dean be set to finally get his comeuppance in a full circle moment that sees him murdered at Sharon’s wedding reception?

What’s more, following Linda’s shock discovery of the photo, she sought comfort from Kathy, who told her that, if Dean ever were to return, Linda would have a ‘wall of friends around her who would make sure he doesn’t get anywhere near her’.

Will The Six end up killing Dean to protect Linda?

Dean made a shocking comeback to Albert Square in recent scenes, which only further fuels the theories that he is the man set to be murdered.

Does he need to watch his back?

Denise with the broken bottle and Stacey with blood on her hands

Look, we’ve played Cluedo – Denise with the broken bottle in the Queen Vic is incredibly important.

Given that Sharon has blood on her dress and Stacey has blood on her hands, it certainly gives the impression that injuries were sustained on the dead body via the broken glass.

However! One thing that remains consistent throughout all of this is that just because one clue is made to look like someone is responsible for something, it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s true…

Eagle eyed viewers who have remained invested in this story will have spotted a similar brand of champagne pop up on several other occasions following the flash forward episode.

Our drunken queen Kathy had one too many glasses following Albie’s disastrous christening, and made a comment to Alfie Moon (Shane Richie) about how quickly champagne gets her drunk.

And what brand of champagne was she drinking? The same brand that ends up broken in Denise’s hands on Christmas day. Could Kathy end up getting drunk and making a fatal mistake?

That same brand of champagne was also gifted to Keanu by Nish after his engagement to Sharon. Though to some this may seem like a peace offering after their showdown in the hospital the previous evening, but we’re left wondering whether it may be foreshadowing…

It was also offered to Ian Beale (Adam Woodyatt) by George Knight (Colin Salmon) while celebrating the sale of his Marbella bar. Could Ian and George also be involved?

And when Nish knocked Eve unconscious after discovering her affair with Suki, it was the same brand of champagne bottle that he used to hit her with.

With Nish having been spotted with this potential murder weapon more than most, is it a sign that he is set to be the body?

There are so many possibilities!

EastEnders confirms death in huge flashforward scene
Denise is holding a broken bottle (Picture: BBC)

Although Denise is holding the broken bottle, it doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s a weapon.

We have seen a number of parallels to previous stories during this storyline – more on that later – and one fan cleverly spotted a link between the flash forward scene and the final scene of the episode which aired on Christmas Day 2019.

That particular scene was part of a story which saw Linda shoot Keanu Taylor, in order to help him and Martin Fowler fake his death.

During that storyline, Linda was struggling with alcoholism, and being under the influence of alcohol is likely where she found the courage to shoot Keanu.

She has since overcome her alcoholism and has been in recovery ever since, but could she be set to fall off the wagon in the lead up to Christmas?

Could Denise find Linda drinking the champagne and try to wrestle it off her, ending up smashing it in the process?

And what about the blood on Stacey’s hands? Has she committed the murder, or does she try and help stop the victim from bleeding out?

Linda’s busted lip

Linda’s injured lip is a bit tricky to spot, but watch the final scene many times (seriously, it’s now living rent free in our head), and you’ll notice Linda has an injured lip, which has left us wondering whether someone may have punched her.

We mentioned previously that Linda has been left haunted after seeing Shirley spend time with her son, Dean, who raped Linda a few years ago, and his return to the Square left her really shaken.

Could he be the one to inflict the injury?

Or, could she have sustained it during a fight with Denise over the bottle of champagne?

Suit of armour

Fans were left completely baffled by the appearance of a knight in shining armour in the Queen Vic during the flash forward scene, wondering why on earth it was there, and why it had been positioned behind Stacey of all the characters.

We were left further confused when producer Chris Clenshaw said that Linda’s ‘knight in shining armour may not be who you think’.

However, all was soon revealed with the arrival of the Knight family, who joined Linda to take over the Queen Vic.

Could they be integral to the Christmas murder?

According to Chris Clenshaw, maybe not.

‘Now the knight in shining armour makes sense to everyone. When we shot that scene the Knights weren’t in scripts so everyone was speculating. It’s been with George behind all his bars.’

Eastenders new family outside Queen Vic pub
The Knight family are set to take over the Queen Vic (Picture: BBC)

We’re still not entirely convinced that they’re not involved, so we’ll be keeping a close eye on this one, for several reasons.

Firstly, the sale of the bar may prove to not be the only thing Linda needs a knight in shining armour to protect her from.

During the Halloween episode that saw Dean return to the Square and leave Linda terrified, George was quick to offer her his support. And what was his Halloween costume? A knight in shining armour.

Could George end up being involved in the murder by protecting Linda?

Secondly, there have also been countless mentions of knight’s in shining armour from other members of The Six, with Sharon telling Keanu that she doesn’t need one after a showdown with Dorian in the Boxing Den, and loan shark Shiv referring to Alfie Moon as Stacey’s knight in shining armour earlier this year.

With this specific imagery still being repeated months after the arrival of the Knights, we can’t help but think it is still important.

Dying flowers and sirens

With the arrival of The Knights came a special trailer, and if you weren’t expecting us to tear it apart for clues, then do you even know us?

After we got over the fact that their arrival soundtrack was Muse (seriously, EastEnders pick some absolute tunes for their trailers!), we quickly noticed something very strange about the bunch of flowers given to Linda.

As soon as Linda takes the roses, they can be seen visibly dying in her hands. Weird, right?

Well, that’s not all, as soon George Knight is patting her on the back and, as he does so, dead petals start falling from the stems.

While Mr Clenshaw has suggested that the suit of armour in the flash forward scene is nothing to do with the murder, we have a feeling he may be having us on.

We’ve already mentioned its position in relation to Stacey, and we’re even more sure that it’s deliberate after the release of this trailer.


Eagle eyed viewers will be able to tell that the bow around the previously red roses is also red: Stacey’s signature Six colour (More on that later).

Not only that, but George Knight can be seen at the beginning of the trailer walking in front of Stacey’s bap van.

With all of these clues put together, we’re starting to wonder if maybe George and Stacey are connected in some way, making him a potential victim?

It is also worth noting that viewers first caught a glimpse of George during a trailer promoting the show for the British Soap Awards.

If you listen closely, you’ll be able to hear sirens in the background of the shot, similar to those that can also be heard during the flash forward scene.

With George taking the role of Linda’s knight in shining armour following Dean’s return, could this mean that he is set to take the blame for the murder?

It has also become clear that the roses symbolise George’s ex-wife, who was revealed to be Cindy. Could she be involved somehow?

The fireplace and candles

And how about the fireplace in the flash forward scene – the noise of the crackling flames has to be a clue…maybe that’s where the murder weapon or some sort of evidence is going to go?

We’ve also previously mentioned the Christmas 2019 episode, the final scene of which saw Martin Fowler standing over a fire, with the sound of it crackling clearly audible over Stay Another Day by East 17.

Now, if you’ve watch the flash forward as much as we have, you’ll know that that was the same song playing in the Queen Vic, and the sound of the fire was almost identical to that of the 2019 Christmas episode.

During that episode, viewers believed that Martin had killed Keanu.

Could this be foreshadowing Keanu’s death this Christmas? Or could Martin end up on the floor in a shocking turn of events?

Or could this be hinting towards another victim entirely?

It’s also worth noting that there are candles all over the floor.

Could The Six plan to set the boozer on fire and send all evidence up in smoke?

A recent picture posted to Instagram by Denise Fox actress Diane Parish showed The Six posing for a photo holding candles. Does this mean something, or was it a deliberate post to throw us off the scent?


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Hardcore EastEnders fans will be familiar with the online gameshow hosted by Martin Fowler actor James Bye called Albert Squared, and will know all about the round that they like to call the EEmoji round, where contestants must guess the character based on a series of emojis.

In one episode, the emojis given were a sun, a video and some candles, with the answer being revealed as EastEnders legend David Wicks.

This got us thinking, and now we can’t shake the idea that the candles in the flash forward are there to do the same job as the candles in the EEmoji game: Point us towards a potential character – in this case, the victim.

With candles representing the name Wicks, who could it be? Dean, of course.

Kathy’s torn dress

When someone messes with Kathy in EastEnders – we get angry. It’s just fact. We didn’t see Kathy a lot during the final shot of the flash forward episode, but we saw her long enough to pick up on her purple dress being torn.

To have your item of clothing ripped must mean the showdown was a big one, right?

Unless Kathy got it caught on something else?

She has previously complained about Jasper Parrot chewing holes in her clothes. Could this be his handiwork?

Are we getting the cogs whirring in your brain yet?

Out of order fruit machine

When Chris Clenshaw told us to rewatch the episode in full, we did. More than once, obviously.

And one thing we couldn’t help but notice was the appearance of an ‘out of order’ sign on the fruit machine.

An out of order sign on the fruit machine in the Queen Vic in EastEnders
We’re getting flashbacks… (Picture: BBC)

This took us right back to 2005 and the murder of a certain Den Watts in the Queen Vic, and another damaged fruit machine that played a significant part in catching out the murderer.

Could this be a hint that the events of Christmas day may mirror those of that fateful night in 2005?

We love a theory here at Metro.co.uk, and one of our favourites is the idea that there may actually be seven killers.

With Sam Mitchell having played an integral part in the murder of Dirty Den, could she be set to make an appearance on Christmas day?

Red nail polish

Eagle eyed viewers may have noticed that all six of the potential murderers had their nails painted in a shade of red, which has left some fans wondering if this may be a sign to look out for in the future.

Sticking with the theory that there may be a seventh woman set to find themselves involved in the murder, could the colour of their nails be what gives them away?

Or, could the nail polish be a direct hint to who the killer is?

One character who has consistently worn red nail polish since her first appearance in 1985 is Kathy Beale.

In a recent day in the life video posted on the EastEnders TikTok and Instagram accounts, actress Gillian Taylforth made a big deal about showing off the bottle of red nail polish which was labelled as belonging to Kathy.

Was this just a fun coincidence, or was it a clue?

The colours of the dresses

It’s hard to miss the brightly coloured dresses worn by The Six, but the fact that they are all strikingly different got us thinking…

Do they mean something? At this point, everything is a clue.

At first, we thought maybe it was just for aesthetics, but in the episodes following the flash forward things have started falling into place.

The moment we realised the dresses meant more than just a fashion statement was during an episode which saw Suki find evidence of her ‘killing’ Ranveer.

While in the original scenes, Suki was dressed in pink, the clever team at EastEnders had doctored the footage to make the dress in the recording appear blue.

Lacey Turner, Balvinder Sopal, Kellie Bright, Letitia Dean, Diane Parish and Gillian Taylforth backstage at the NTAs wearing their signature colours for The Six in EastEnders
The stars of The Six have really committed to their roles in this murder mystery (Picture: Instagram / EastEnders)

The same blue as her flash forward murder dress. Coincidence? We think not.

For the team to have gone to that much effort, there must be some meaning behind it.

Of course, this set our minds racing, and we were left scanning our screens for any other hints, and realised that Denise wore a green coat all through her affair with Ravi and Stacey took photos for Secret Cam in red lingerie.

Most recently, Kathy was spotted wearing a purple blouse during the episode that saw Cindy and Ian Beale return to the Square, and Sharon wore white to the doctors appointment that confirmed Keanu was not Albie’s real dad.

Of course, Linda is never seen not wearing pink, but do you see where we’re going with this?

Could the colours of The Six’s clothes hint to what storylines are connected to the murder and therefore which men could be the potential victims?

An appearance by all of The Six at the NTAs further convinced us that their colours were important, as each star was dressed in their signature colour.

Talk about commitment to the cause!

Death threats

You know that as soon as a murder is revealed, soap characters are going to start incriminating themselves. It’s just a given.

Several members of The Six have already started throwing around death threats, and we’re totally here for it.

During Suki Panesar’s secret relationship with Eve Unwin (Heather Peace), she slowly started to realise that she would rather be with her than controlling husband Nish.

After learning that Nish had destroyed evidence that would have freed son Kheerat from prison, Suki turned to Eve and revealed her plan.

‘We’re going to get rid of Nish. For good.’

Now, doesn’t that just give you goosebumps?

Is this a sign that Nish may be the body on the floor? With him having already said that being without Suki would kill him, it’s not looking good…

Another death threat came in a recent episode which saw Stacey Slater warn Theo Hawthorne to stay away from her family.

‘You come near my family again and I will kill you…’

The fact that Stacey was wearing her signature colour red during this confrontation makes it doubly important, and we can’t help but wonder if this puts Theo in the firing line.

And when Kathy told Cindy that there’d ‘be murders before Christmas’ if they all lived under the same roof, we couldn’t help but giggle. We’re sure the EastEnders writers are having just as much fun with this as we are.

But with Kathy and Rocky having now moved back in with Cindy and Ian, could one of the men in that house find themselves on the floor of the Queen Vic?


When somebody says, ‘Who knows what will be this time next year?’, it is easy to gloss over it, but when this mystery has been at the forefront of your mind, like it has for us, everything becomes a clue.

That line was delivered by Kat Slater, but the interesting thing about it was that the camera was on Phil as she said it.

And guess who was also in the scene, wearing red? Stacey, of course!

If we flash forward a year from when that line was said, it takes us to after the murder was committed, meaning that there would be one less man on the Square.

Could this be a hint that Phil may not be around this time next year?

Sharon tries to talk to Ian in the Queen Vic in EastEnders
Sharon warns Ian that ‘people don’t live forever’ (Picture: BBC)

Another line that could be seen as foreshadowing came from Sharon, when she told Ian that, ‘people don’t live forever’.

This was Sharon’s way of persuading Ian to go and visit mum Kathy, urging him to let his heart attack put things into perspective.

But, given that both Sharon and Kathy are in The Six, and Kathy suddenly introduced the colour purple to her wardrobe around this episode, could she really be foreshadowing what is to come?

Could Ian meet his maker on the floor of the Queen Vic?

And let’s not forget the comments from Karen that we mentioned earlier, wondering what the state of Sharon’s relationship will be come Christmas…

Kathy’s engagement ring

Before Kathy and Rocky’s disastrous wedding, viewers saw Rocky get down on one knee for a third time in order to finally present Kathy with an engagement ring.

Seems strange that he should suddenly propose again, seeing as he and Kathy had already planned to get married, right?

As the camera zoomed in on the ring, we couldn’t help but wonder if we were supposed to take note of this particular moment. Did Rocky’s third proposal serve a wider purpose?

Could Kathy’s ring end up being a crucial piece of evidence as detectives strive to solve the murder?

Kathy's engagement ring in EastEnders
Is the zoom in on Kathy’s engagement ring a clue? (Picture: BBC)

We’ve already mentioned one of the parallels between this murder and that of Dirty Den’s, and we’re convinced that Kathy’s engagement ring could provide another.

Who could forget the moments after Den’s murder in which Zoe Slater searched desperately for her bracelet, which had fallen off in the scuffle?

Is Kathy set to lose her ring during the Christmas murder, making her the prime suspect?

In the very first ‘In a flash…’ trailer, which teased the lock in episode, Kathy can be seen looking down at her hands and turning them over. Could she be searching for a missing ring?


We love a teaser trailer to keep us coming back for more, and after the episode which saw Denise’s affair exposed, EastEnders gave us exactly that.

The trailer itself was packed full of potential hints, including a direct parallel to the 2015 Week of Revelations trailer which promoted the Who Killed Lucy Beale? storyline.

However, we were mainly struck by a fleeting glance of someone running from the crime scene at the very beginning of the trailer.

Having slowed it down, reversed it and done everything else to get the best view possible, we’re pretty sure that it is Suki fleeing the Queen Vic.

Is this a clue that she is the one responsible for the murder?

A further trailer was released after Theo revealed himself as Stacey’s sinister stalker, this one focusing on Stacey as she applied lipstick in front of a broken mirror.

As she did it, the words ‘In a flash, everything changes’ were written on the mirror, but eagle eyed fans noticed that the word ‘flash’ was actually written as ‘FLA5H’.

Does the number 5 hint at the fifth trailer being the most important?

During the trailer, Stacey can be seen looking over her right shoulder, as though looking at the killer, and in the flash forward scene, it is Kathy who is stood in that direction. (Just wait until you hear who is the focus of trailer number 5…)

This isn’t the only trailer that she does this in, as the same happens in the ‘In a flash…’ trailer.

Eagle-eyed viewers were quick to notice that, when played back to back, Denise and Stacey’s trailers fitted perfectly together, which will become important in just a few paragraphs time…

Linda’s trailer was the next to be released, following the episode which saw Dean return to Walford.

Her trailer arguably gives us one of the biggest hints towards the events of Christmas day, as she can be seen on her hands and knees scrubbing blood off the floor.

The interesting thing about this is that the floor she is scrubbing is upstairs in the Queen Vic living room, not where the body is found downstairs in the bar. Could this mean that the body is moved, or will two murders take place on the same night?

At the end of the trailer, viewers were struck by the sight of someone stood outside the Queen Vic, with many pointing out that it looked like Suki.

The fact that the previous two trailers linked together but this one didn’t left us wondering if Suki’s trailer may fit in between Linda and Denise’s, given that she seems to appear at the end of Linda’s and the beginning of Denise’s.

This led us to theorise whether or not these individual trailers may eventually slot together to make one long one, like the original ‘In a flash…’ trailer.

When Sharon’s trailer was released amid episodes that saw Albie kidnapped, it further supported this theory, as it slotted in perfectly before Linda’s trailer.

In Sharon’s trailer, she tosses her bouquet as is tradition after someone gets married. Could this symbolise the fact that Sharon does go through with her wedding?

The next trailer to be released was Kathy’s, and it was by far the most damning in terms of who the murderer is likely to be.

In her trailer, Kathy was wielding a butcher’s knife and cutting the heads off pink tulips. Now, that’s a weapon if ever we’ve seen one.

There was a lot to dissect in this trailer, and boy, did we go through it in detail, but we will try to summarise it slightly more quickly here.

Kathy appears to be cutting up two bouquets of flowers, which once again hints at there being two bodies. It should also be noted that the flowers are pink, so could she lash out to protect Linda, given that that is her signature The Six colour?

Remember when we mentioned the number 5 in Stacey’s trailer? Well, Kathy’s is the fifth trailer and she is certainly looks the angriest out of all The Six so far.


It has also been noted that in the episode that aired right before the release of Denise, Stacey, Linda and Sharon’s trailers, the character who was the focus of the trailer was dressed in black. This was not the case for Kathy, who was dressed in her signature purple.

The release of Suki’s trailer confirmed the theory that she was the person running at the beginning of Denise’s trailer and the end of Linda’s, meaning that viewers can watch Sharon’s, Linda’s, Suki’s, Denise’s and Stacey’s trailers back to back, as they all flow into one another.

However, even with the addition of Suki’s trailer, Kathy’s doesn’t fit into the thread. Is this a sign that she acts alone to kill the victim?

One thing that struck us as interesting about Suki’s trailer was that they used different music to the other trailers.

While all the other trailers had been soundtracked by What Kind of Man by Florence and the Machine, Suki’s trailer had a solemn, more classical tune, almost reminiscent of Julia’s theme.

Does this mean that she is set to lose a loved one?

In her trailer, she is holding a photo of her children, but when a bell tolls she drops it and it shatters. With Suki’s only child still living on Albert Square being Vinny, could he be in danger come Christmas day?

Potential weapons

There has been a lot of speculation on social media about potential weapons that could be used in the murder, and one thing that caught fans eyes was a special vase that seemed to contain every colour worn by The Six.

With not one but four trailers depicting broken glass of some kind, could this prove that the vase will be used as the murder weapon?

As well as this, other fans have pointed out a pineapple cocktail shaker that was unpacked in the same episode. They pointed out that this potential weapon not only has sharp edges, but is already in the Queen Vic where the murder takes place and is part of a set, so wouldn’t be missed if it needed to be disposed of.

Add to these the bottle that Denise is holding and Kathy’s meat cleaver, and there is no end of possibilities.

It’s safe to say, we have a lot to dwell on…

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