
BBC EastEnders cufflink clues: Who’s worn them and who buys them from Billy as Christmas victim ‘confirmed’

The cufflinks on the EastEnders victim

EastEnders have made quite a big deal about the cufflinks on the Christmas victim – and whilst we initially thought it would be easy to guess who ended up with them, multiple pairs have started to appear around the Square

EastEnders have made quite a big deal about the cufflinks on the Christmas victim – and whilst we initially thought it would be easy to guess who ended up with them, multiple pairs have started to appear around the Square

EastEnders aired a huge twist with the cufflinks last night – ahead of the big Christmas death.

For months, all we have known is the man who dies in the Queen Vic has a special set of amber jewelled cufflinks on. What we don’t know at the moment is which man has them – and thus who dies in the shocking scenes.

There are currently seven men in the running to die this Christmas, but we are yet to find out exactly how all of them end up with the ‘cursed’ cufflinks that could seal their death in less than a week’s time.

Who owns the cufflinks?

Jack Branning and Phil Mitchell on EastEnders

Phil Mitchell was given the cufflinks by Jack Branning 

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The original version of the cufflinks were owned by Nish Panesar. However, when they first made an appearance a few months back, Nish quickly had to hand them over when he lost them in a poker game to Rocky Cotton.

Rocky had ended up gambling his honeymoon with Kathy away – but Nish let him keep the cufflinks, which he swiftly handed over to Jack Branning as he wasn’t keen on keeping them for himself. However, Jack has since handed them over to Phil Mitchell, who needed to borrow them for his wedding day. But who will they end up with by the time Sharon ties the knot with Keanu?

Who has worn the cufflinks?

Who hasn’t worn the cufflinks! Soap executive producer Chris Clenshaw teased that fans will be kept guessing right until the end when it comes to who the victim is – and that became true when this week we saw multiple pairs of the cufflinks appear.

Nish Panesar on EastEnders

Nish had the first pair of the cufflinks but lost them in a poker game 



Billy and Alfie have been selling the cufflinks to various members of the Square, with most of the seven men now in receipt – or about to be – of the cursed cufflinks. However, some other names have been mentioned to be having – or set to be given – a pair including Martin and Zach. Who will end up with the cursed pair on Christmas Day though? We’ll have to wait and see!

How does each person end up with the cufflinks?

So far, Phil Mitchell has a pair that were loaned to him for his wedding day by Jack Branning – and we have also seen a number of them being purchased at the market stall. So far, Sharon has picked up three pairs – one for her husband-to-be Keanu Taylor as well as Martin and Zack, whilst Gina Knight also revealed she had purchased some for her dad.

Dean Wicks paid £25 for a pair of them – before finding out that they were real platinum, whilst Suki also purchased some for her husband Nish Panesar, which she handed over to him just before Christmas, remarking how similar they were to the old ones he had. It was also mentioned that Priya had bought some – could these be for Ravi, or is she planning to give them to someone else?

Which man has the cufflinks this Christmas?

A question we’d all like to know the answer to! However, we won’t know until the big reveal on Christmas Day – and probably not until the last minute! Whoever ends up in the cursed pair won’t see the end of Christmas Day, with soap bosses teasing the fall out with The Six will be very dramatic – with it expected to last long into the New Year.

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