
EastEnders fans fume ‘Keanu is finished!’ after major U-turn with Sharon Watts and Albie

Picking up a bundle of notes, Karen said: "See this? This is her language, this is what she understands! And let me tell you something, and you remember this, I have risked everything!"

EASTENDERS fans have fumed that ‘Keanu is finished!’ after a major U-turn with Sharon Watts and son Albie.

The last few episodes of the BBC soap have seen Keanu fake the kidnap of his and Sharon’s son after his decision to run off with their little boy spiralled out of control.

EastEnders fans have fumed that ‘Keanu is finished!’ after a major U-turn with Sharon Watts and son Albie

EastEnders fans have fumed that ‘Keanu is finished!’ after a major U-turn with Sharon Watts and son Albie
Keanu told Sharon he loved her as the pair bonded following Albie's safe return

Keanu told Sharon he loved her as the pair bonded following Albie’s safe return
The on-off couple kissed, but fans are questioning Keanu's motoves

The on-off couple kissed, but fans are questioning Keanu’s motoves

Keanu called on mum Karen to help with the ever-growing lie, leaving Sharon distraught at the thought of losing another son after the death of her elder child Denny.

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Tonight, Keanu managed to stop Sharon from doing a TV appeal for the police, and convince everyone not to tell the cops about the ransom demand notes that had arrived at the house – which he had written.

Sharon’s ex Phil Mitchell then loaned them the £50,000 ransom money, not suspecting it was Keanu behind it all.

Keanu then manipulated the situation to make sure Karen was the one who went to the meeting point with the ‘kidnappers’ to get Albie, knowing full well that she had arranged for relatives from out of town to look after the tot.

Once Albie was back safe and reunited with Sharon, Karen and Keanu sat in her flat with the fifty grand in front of them.

Karen asked if her son still planned to run off with the money and Albie but Keanu shook his head and asked: “Why did I put Sharon through all of this mum?”

Karen raged loudly: “To keep your son, to ruin her! Is that still the plan? Whatever you’re thinking, whatever you’re going through, you’ve got an advantage of her that you’ve never had before.”

Picking up a bundle of notes, she continued: “See this? This is her language, this is what she understands! And let me tell you something, and you remember this, I have risked everything!”

Later, Keanu headed to Sharon’s where she was playing with Albie.

As they sat together and watched him, an emotional Keanu said suddenly: “Don’t take my son away from me. Not knowing where he was, I can’t not have him in my life, and that’s you as well.”

Sharon then told him she had turned down the job in Abu Dhabi as the situation had made her realise how much she relied on the support of her loved ones in Walford.

The pair hugged and she added: “You love Albie so much, it’s a wonderful thing. And I’m so sorry I even considered taking him away from you.”

Keanu replied: “It’s not only Albie that I love…I didn’t know I did but…yeah it’s true. I’m so sorry.”

Sharon told him he had nothing to be sorry for, before the on-off couple shared a kiss and a cuddle.

EastEnders viewers were left perplexed by the whole thing, and wondered what Keanu’s intentions really were after everything that had happened in the last few days.

One wrote on social media: “So was it about having full custody of Albie or the money? Weird storyline.”

Another added: “Keanu is absolutely finished out here.”

A third tweeted: “What do we think? Does Keanu really love Sharon then? Or is he just playing her? I hope he does but I don’t know what to think. personally love them together but feel like the writers want her and Phil back together.”

Meanwhile a fourth shared: “Keanu is looking at Sharon with those puppy dog eyes again. We wanted this months ago without the kidnapping, of course. I only wish he would tell her the truth, but we know he wouldn’t.”

EastEnders airs on BBC One and is available on BBC iPlayer.

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