
EastEnders spoilers: Dean declares his love for Gina in The Vic!

How will the Knights react?

Dean and Gina on an eastEnders background

astEnders spoilers for next week have revealed rapist Dean Wicks stepping up his efforts to woo Gina Knight.

But when he declares his love for her in public, how will Gina react?

And what will he other Walford residents think?!

Read on to find out the whole story in EastEnders spoilers.

Gina doesn’t want to go public (Credit: ITV)

Dean’s in deep!

Dean’s smitten with Gina and he’s desperate to tell the world about their romance. She, though, isn’t nearly so keen. She wants to keep things quiet in case her family react badly to the news.

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Dean‘s nothing if not manipulative though, and he’s determined to get his own way, so he tries to persuade her to change her mind.

Ian’s got advice

Later, Dean has a chat with Ian – romance guru that he is. Ian doesn’t know who Dean’s dating, but he has some advice anyway. He tells him to prove he’s in the relationship for the long haul.

So Dean decides to make a big gesture.


Dean’s not giving up his plan (Credit: BBC)

Big gestures!

Dean marches into The Vic with a huge bunch of flowers and declares his love for Gina. Needless to say, the Knights are NOT happy about it all.

But as they bicker, it makes Gina more determined and she tells everyone she doesn’t need their approval.

Dean’s pleased at first then shocked when Gina tells him to sling his hook, too! But later she relents and agrees to give him another chance and go on their first public outing as an official couple.

When she has a chat with Amy, though, Gina’s given something to think about.

Gina’s enjoying her romance with Dean but she’s not ready to tell the world


Meanwhile, Cindy‘s FUMING about it all though George manages to calm her down instead of going in all guns blazing.

And later, she goes to see Dean and makes him an offer…

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