
Linda Carter makes shock confession to Alfie Moon in EastEnders

The Vic landlady is crumbling under the pressure.

KEANU Taylor’s death weighs heavy on Linda Carter’s mind and she has turned to booze to try and cope with her guilty conscience.

However, next week in EastEnders, the beloved pub landlady drops a bombshell on her pal Alfie Moon. Could it be about Keanu’s murder?

Linda Carter opens up to Alfie Moon next week

Linda Carter opens up to Alfie Moon next weekCredit: BBC
The pair have shared a friendly bond

The pair have shared a friendly bondCredit: BBC
But will she tell him everything about Keanu's death?

But will she tell him everything about Keanu’s death?Credit: BBC

Keanu Taylor was laid to rest underneath Kathy Beale’s café after being stabbed by the pub landlady portrayed by Kellie Bright.

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Since then, Linda Carter has been desperately trying to keep it together, though the pressure of keeping such a heavy secret along with five other Walford women has been getting to her.

Overwhelmed, Linda found no other way to cope than to turn to her old demons and she has been drowning her sorrows ever since.

However, in scenes airing next week on BBC One, Alfie Moon (Shane Richie) struggles with his own issues but he finally gives Linda a way to relieve herself from some of the pressure she’s been under.

Coming up, Alfie, who has been trying to cope with his prostate cancer treatment, is mortified about wetting himself in The Vic.

Linda begs him to open up to Ian Beale (Adam Woodyatt) and Billy Mitchell (Perry Fenwick) about his cancer diagnosis.

She reasons that he must let the people who love him support him.

After a false start, Alfie finally tells his shocked pals everything, and they vow to be there for him.

Linda soon faces tough times of her own and she is shaken when Ricky Butcher sends a photograph of Mick and Janine’s baby.

Regular viewers of the London-based program will remember that Janine Butcher was once married to Linda’s late husband Mick Carter and she gave birth to a child while in prison.

Ricky Butcher, Janine’s brother who lives in Germany, has been taking care of both her daughter Scarlett and the tot.

Following Linda’s discovery, Alfie finds her drunk and inconsolable in The Albert and takes her home.

During a heart-to-heart, however, a drunken Linda says more than she should – could she confess to killing Keanu?

Whatever the case, Linda is later shaken to receive a text from Alfie asking to talk about what she said.

Fearing she confessed, Linda heads to meet Alfie and drinks as she’s so rattled.

Linda eventually twists the truth to put Alfie off the scent but will he be able to see right through her?

EastEnders airs from Monday to Thursday at 7.30pm on BBC One.

Linda also helps Alfie cope with his prostate cancer

Linda also helps Alfie cope with his prostate cancerCredit: BBC
Will they be able to support one another?

Will they be able to support one another?Credit: BBC

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