
Kidnapping horror for Sharon Watts as son Albie is taken and a ransom issued in EastEnders

Who is trying to get to Sharon Watts?

ALBIE Watts has unwillingly been at the centre of drama as his father Keanu Taylor is determined to be involved in his life.

Sadly, as the Square gears up to celebrate Halloween, EastEnders legend Sharon Watts gets a huge fright when her son goes missing.

Keanu Taylor is trying to get more involved in Albie's life

Keanu Taylor is trying to get more involved in Albie’s lifeCredit: BBC
But things take a turn

But things take a turnCredit: BBC
Albie goes missing and a ransom note is quickly issued - who is responsible?

Albie goes missing and a ransom note is quickly issued – who is responsible?Credit: BBC

Keanu Taylor (portrayed by Danny Walters) and his mother Karen (Lorraine Stanley) hatched a plan together after finding out Sharon (Letitia Dean) was making plans to leave Albert Square.

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The blonde bombshell is hopeful to get a new business opportunity in Abu Dhabi but this would mean taking her son Albie with her, thus depriving her former fiancé Keanu of time with the young boy.

Heartbroken as he remains held at arm’s length from his daughter Peggy, Keanu made it clear he wouldn’t let the same scenario happen again.

Karen convinced him that his best option would be to seduce Sharon once again before marrying her for the sole purpose of stealing her money and taking Albie away from her.

Coming up next week on BBC One, Keanu tells Karen that he intends to put his plan into action sooner rather than later.

However, one major event could side-track him completely.

Keanu asks Sharon if he can take Albie out before they leave for Abu Dhabi, but she says there isn’t time.

Meanwhile, Dorian Gates (Luke J I Smith) arrives and threatens Sharon when she refuses to pay him his finder’s fee for the Pub, Pint and Fight event.

Sharon’s handling the situation until an impulsive Keanu steps in and throws his weight around.

Keanu’s meddling sends Sharon into a rage and she makes it known that she is not happy with him.

In later scenes, Sharon waits for Dorian to return and is surprised to discover Keanu is there to back her up.

Dorian arrives flanked by heavies to collect his cash and warns Sharon that if she goes to the police, he knows where she and Albie live.

Keanu walks Sharon home, and while she’s distracted, he starts to put his plan into action.

Despite his eagerness to make things work, Karen worries that he’s doing the wrong thing.

But this doesn’t stop Keanu as he goes to Sharon’s to pick up Albie to take him to a birthday party.

Later on, Sharon is angry to hear from one of the other mums that Keanu made an excuse about the party to take Albie off elsewhere.

Unfortunately, her frustration turns into panic when Keanu arrives back in the Square and tells Sharon that something terrible has happened.

He quickly explains that he took Albie to the park, turned his back for a second, and he was gone in a flash.

Sharon is distraught as the police launch an investigation into Albie’s disappearance, and the residents of Walford organise a search party.

After being quizzed by the police, Keanu goes to Sharon and points out that Dorian issued a threat to her and Albie.

Horrified Sharon realises that Dorian could be behind this and tells the police, who immediately follow up on this line of enquiry.

Later at home, Sharon and Keanu are comforting each other when Zack Hudson (James Farrar) finds a note pushed through the door demanding £50,000 for Albie’s safe return.

Who is really responsible for Albie’s kidnapping?

Could Dorian hurt the child?

EastEnders airs from Monday to Thursday at 7.30pm on BBC One.

Keanu and Karen came up with a plan

Keanu and Karen came up with a planCredit: BBC
But could it have gone out of hand?

But could it have gone out of hand?Credit: BBC

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